Dr. Tamara Marcus Named a DOE Community Energy Fellow

Dr. Tamara Marcus, formerly the first sustainability director in Linn County and current founder-collaborator at Empowered Solutions Collective, has been selected as a Department of Energy Community Energy Fellow, a position to augment CEDI/Decorah’s EECBG program. The Fellowship is funded by DOE Office of State and Community Programs and administered in partnership with the Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education (ORISE).

Tamara holds a Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire’s Natural Resources and Earth System Sciences program and plans to work with local decarbonization action groups to establish a mechanism for benchmarking the energy efficiency of public buildings and other resources that serve the public and especially disadvantaged populations in CEDI’s service areas. Tamara will also present on CEDI’s behalf at the Iowa Energy Summit, alongside Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition director of policy Jacob Serfling.

Her contact at CEDI is: tamara.marcus[at]cleanenergydistricts.org.

Posted: August 20, 2024


Kristine Kopperud


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