Iowa Ratemaking: “For the health, welfare, and prosperity of all Iowans”

CEDI makes the case that the regulation of a state-granted monopoly to private investors – of a commodity as fundamental as energy – requires key improvements in transparency, participation, and efficiency.

The Clean Energy Districts of Iowa (CEDI) has submitted another round of comments in the “study docket” at the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB). Earlier this year, legislators passed HF617, which directed the IUB to conduct a review of utility ratemaking procedures, and submit a report recommending potential changes back to the legislature by the end of 2023.

In the most recent comments, CEDI again highlights that Iowa code chapter 473.2 states unequivocally that “The general assembly finds that the health, welfare, and prosperity of all Iowans require the provision of adequate, efficient, reliable, environmentally safe, and least-cost energy at prices which accurately reflect the long-term cost of using such energy resources and which are equitable to all Iowans.”

CEDI makes the case that the regulation of a state-granted monopoly to private investors – of a commodity as fundamental as energy – requires key improvements in transparency, participation, and efficiency. These improvements include the development of Integrated Resource Planning, Integrated Distribution Planning, and All-Source Competitive Sourcing, to better serve “the health, welfare, and prosperity of all Iowans.”

Read the latest CEDI comments here, or visit CEDI’s docket overview page here.

Posted: October 27, 2023


Andrew Johnson

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