Does Solar Increase the Resale Value of Your Home?

Recouping the value of solar at resale boils down to helping your buyer (and your realtor!) understand its value.

When it comes to buying and selling a home, what exactly is the value of solar? Does having solar panels on your roof actually increase your home’s value at the time of sale? How can you help potential buyers understand that your solar array will save them lots of money over time?

For most residential customers, solar is a straightforward and easy-to-understand investment. Installation prices have come down tremendously, net metering rules are favorable for customer owned generation (net metering is the ability to transfer excess power back to the grid and receive credit for it at retail rates for use in your home at a later time), resulting in short payback periods. For residential customers in Decorah, the return on investment of solar is as short as seven years, and the value of installing solar versus not installing solar can be worth many, many tens of thousands of dollars over the life of a system.

Posted: June 23, 2023


Paul Cutting

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