Building Electrification: The Devil’s in the Details

A homeowner and Winneshiek Energy District technical advisor Paul Cutting evaluate going solar, upgrading an electric panel, solar hot water, and heating/cooling.

Browsing Rewiring America’s website, it’s easy to get excited about the potential benefits of home electrification. Heat pumps, induction stoves, ventless heat pump clothes dryers, breaker boxes, rooftop solar, EVs, etc. All relatively straightforward, and most–with Inflation Reduction Act incentives–cheap and easy.

Right? In reality, not so fast.

I was recently contacted by a Decorah couple to provide some recommendations for home electrification. The couple had the money and were committed to doing something, but just needed a bit of guidance of where they should start. After a dizzying 1 ½ hour discussion batting around project ideas, we finished the meeting not much farther along than where we started. Houses are incredibly complicated systems, and developing an electrification plan is really challenging, especially when mechanical and building systems are of varying ages.

Posted: June 23, 2023


Paul Cutting

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