Outcomes of the Iowa Legislature's 2024 session
Thank you to everyone who followed and communicated with legislators about the importance of Integrated Resource Planning this session!
A good IRP bill did not pass, but it did garner significant support among legislators, and hopefully the foundation is laid for next round.
The good news, from CEDI’s perspective, is that a bad IRP bill did not pass, nor did transmission right of first refusal (ROFR) desired by MidAmerican, nor did the multi-year ratemaking proposed by Alliant Energy. Also, Iowa’s Building Codes Advisory Council was not eliminated. These are big wins.
Your advocacy mattered a great deal, especially with IRP, where our fact-based communications conveyed what IRP should be (including this op-ed in the Register), and that IRP without key characteristics could do more harm than good. These include the preservation of ratepayer and stakeholder rights to fully participate in contested ratemaking dockets as well as resource planning processes. In this complicated issue, no bill is definitely better than a bad bill that could undermine those rights.
The IUB’s bill HF 2279 did pass. The main energy provision there is the addition of energy storage and nuclear to the technologies eligible for advanced ratemaking principles. By itself this is not a bad thing, and we believe there is still a roadmap to a strong IRP next round.
For more information on Integrated Resource Planning, visit: cleanenergydistricts.org/iowa-policy/integrated-resource-planning
Posted: May 26, 2024