Donate to CEDI
Your contribution supports CEDI's operating expenses, the development of resources for Energy Districts across Iowa, and continuing education and community, including CEDI's annual conference for member Districts.
CEDI is a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization, as are each of the Energy Districts in counties across Iowa. Donate directly to CEDI or to your local district, supporting clean energy technical assistance, education, and community engagement. Your contribution may be tax-deductible.
Mail Donations To:
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa
PO Box 5 Decorah, IA 52101
Donate to Your Individual District
The strength of the Energy District model is the work done at the most-local level, by Districts in each county. Your contribution to your home Energy District supports operations, technical assistance in your community, educational events, and advocacy for city and county policy that supports clean energy transition. Choose your District's option below to donate directly.
Cerro Gordo Clean Energy District
Mail Donations To: 125 4th St NW Mason City Iowa 50401
Howard County Energy District
Mail Donations To: Howard County Energy District, c/o Bouska, PO Box 515, Cresco, IA 52136
Jackson County Energy District
Mail Donations To: Jackson County Energy District c/o Hurstville Interpretive Center 18670 63rd St. Maquoketa, IA 52060
Winneshiek Energy District
Mail Donations To: Winneshiek Energy District | PO Box 14 Decorah, IA 52101