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Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Greenpenny Bank (Decorah) Calls For Deposits to Finance More Solar!

January 27, 2024 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa Receives $250,000 USDA Grant

January 5, 2024 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Iowa Ratemaking: “For the health, welfare, and prosperity of all Iowans”

October 27, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

CEDI makes the case that the regulation of a state-granted monopoly to private investors – of a commodity as fundamental as energy – requires key improvements in transparency, participation, and efficiency.

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

City of Decorah and Clean Energy Districts of Iowa Awarded $1.1M Grant from U.S. Department of Energy

October 19, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

The City of Decorah and Clean Energy Districts of Iowa have been awarded a $1.1M U.S. Department of Energy grant for technical assistance in clean energy planning.

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Iowa Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Community Fund Program to prioritize energy efficiency

August 1, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

2023 Iowa EECBG funding for smaller cities not eligible for formula funding will prioritize energy efficiency projects.

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

A Small Step For Energy Democracy: An opportunity to comment on FTC/DOJ merger guidelines

July 25, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Don't miss this opportunity to provide public comment on federal guidelines for corporate mergers of electric utilities.

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Attention Charge Station Owners: Iowa’s electric vehicle charging tax starts July 1

June 23, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Implementation of Iowa's electric fuel tax is here. This article explains what EV charge station owners need to know, and why the tax is poor policy and should be changed.

Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

Taking Stock: Iowa Clean Energy Policy Mid-2023

May 26, 2023 by Andrew Johnson |
Clean Energy Districts of Iowa

A summary of Iowa clean energy policy challenges and opportunities as of May 2023, including outcomes of the legislative session, and major issues at the Iowa Utilities Board.